how to involve your hubby!

Homeschooling our kids is a noble task. There are many ups and downs and to have support from your husband is more encouraging than getting it from any other source. Most of our husbands work outside of the home and rarely get involved in our homeschool efforts. Not because they aren’t capable but maybe it’s because we haven't asked. Although noble, homeschooling your kids can be intimidating for many people including our husbands. So I wanted to give you some practical ways you can involve your husband in your school day so he can feel connected to the family when it comes to homeschooling.

  1. Use his strengths and wisdom

    My second son and husband are the same person. They think alike, have the same humor, and see the world through the same glasses. This was never clearer to me that I was raising a mini version of my husband than when I recorded my 7-year-old trying to sit still and read for a few minutes. He was bouncing all over the place, making noises, and generally very distracted. In a moment of desperation, I recorded our reading session to show my husband, because frankly I was tired and wanted some pity. When I showed him, he couldn’t finish watching the video, not because it aggravated him, but because he remembered being the same way. He looked me in the eyes and said “ I was him, and no one took the time with me”. It broke me. I was looking into the eyes of one of the most intelligent men I knew and it never occurred to me that he may have struggled in school in that capacity.

    This changed the way I educated my little guy! I was more compassionate and patient when he couldn’t focus. I was able to ask my husband about how he learned and apply it to my son. God made us partners for a reason. My husband has strengths that I don’t have and vice versa. He can see our kids in a different way than I can, and that alone has been extremely helpful when navigating the difficult times of educating our kiddos.

  2. keeping him informed

    You are a team. When doing anything in your homeschool, talk it over with him. My husband trusts me when it comes to our kid’s education however, it gives me peace of mind knowing that we are making decisions on our kid's education together. The heaviness isn’t just on me. This empowers both of us to be involved and have ownership over the choices we make for our kids! In marriage are united in all things, family, jobs, work, school, and raising our family. I tend to approach life in a head-down, push-through type of way that leaves little room to invite anyone into my thoughts and processes. I have learned that to feel connected to my husband I have to make communication a priority and to include him in all the aspects of life. Going even past homeschooling, having their input in weekly activities, menus, and doctor appointments creates a sense of solidarity and helps you feel empowered. One way we do this is by having a short planning session for each week. I have a huge calendar that I refer to as the “Dashboard”. I have it printed and put it in a poster frame to make it dry-erase! I have made it available for digital purchase and you can click here for a digital copy!

  3. Have him take on one subject

    Let’s get crazy! Ask your husband to take over a subject for a day! This can accomplish several different things. 

      • It can help him be informed on what you're doing daily. 

      • It can help him see what your kiddo's strengths and weaknesses are.

      • It can allow insight.

    We were created differently from our husbands for a reason! Our men were created to provide and lead, but if we never allow them to invest in our school day, they will be missing out on a vital side of who we are and who our kids are. We have such a unique opportunity to involve our husbands in a way that will enrich all of our lives. My prayer is that no matter what walk of life you are in, you and your husband are continually working to stay connected to each other. It truly is work, but it’s the best work! 


You are Lying to yourself


3 Import Things You Need to Know to Homeschool.